Create an IBM Cloud Object Storage service

The Object Storage service is encrypted and dispersed across multiple geographic locations, and accessed over HTTP using a REST API. It provides flexible, cost-effective, and scalable cloud storage for unstructured data. You will use this to store the files uploaded by the Check Upload application.

  1. In your IBM Cloud tab, click on Catalog, create a Object Storage service,
    1. Plan: Standard
    2. Service name: <your-initials>-cos. For example: rrv-cos
    3. Select a resource group and click Create
  2. Under Buckets, click Create bucket.
  3. Create a Custom bucket -> Customize your bucket
    1. Unique bucket name : <your-initials>-check-images . For example: rv-check-images
    2. Resiliency : Cross Region
    3. Location : us-geo
    4. Scroll down and and click Create bucket
  4. Create the service credentials
    1. Service Credentials -> New credential -> Add
    2. Expand Service credentials-1 and then click on the Copy icon. copy cos credential

You've now created a Object Storage instance and have the credentials copied to your clipboard. Lets give these credentials to your application.

Bind the credentials to your app

The Secret object type provides a mechanism to hold sensitive information such as passwords and keys. These secrets can then be added to your application.

  1. In your OpenShift web console tab, click on Secrets
  2. Create -> Key/Value Secret
    1. Secret Name : cos-credentials
    3. Value : Press Cmd+V(Mac)/Ctrl-V(Windows) to paste from your clipboard. paste cos credential
    4. Create
    5. Add Secret to Workload -> Select a workload -> check-scanner-upload
    6. Save

Your application will restart with these new object storage credentials.

Upload a sample check image to your app

  1. Visit your application route again. You can find it again by going to Topology, clicking on your app, and then clicking on the URL under Routes.

  2. You should now be able to upload images and have them be stored in Object Storage. Download this sample image by right clicking and saving this image to your computer: sample check

  3. Upload the check image to your Check Upload app. check-upload-check1

The check image is now stored in Object Storage. However, notice that the checks are stuck in "awaiting" status. We haven't deployed our Check Processor application yet. Let's do that next.

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